GoldenEye 007
Released: Aug 25, 1997
  • N64
  • Cheats

GoldenEye 007 Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Aug 16, 2023

This page contains cheats, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips for GoldenEye 007. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

GoldenEye 007 Cheats For N64

Unlockable Cheats & Objectives

The following is a list of the unlockable cheats and the objectives needed to unlock them. Once you unlock any of the cheats below, they will appear in the cheat menu that is located under the Multiplayer option after you select your file.

Cheat Effect Level Difficulty Time To Beat
Paintball Mode Level 1 - Dam Secret Agent 2 min 40 sec
Invincibility Level 2 - Facility 00 Agent 2 min 5 sec
DK (Big Head Mode) Level 3 - Runway Agent 5 min
Grenade Launcher x2 Level 4 - Surface 1 Secret Agent 3 min 30 sec
Rocket Launcher Level 5 - Bunker 1 00 Agent 4 min
Turbo Mode Level 6 - Silo Agent 3 min
No Radar (Multiplayer) Level 7 - Frigate Secret Agent 4 min 30 sec
Tiny Bond Level 8 - Surface 2 00 Agent 4 min 15 sec
Throwing Knife x2 Level 9 - Bunker 2 Agent 1 min 30 sec
Fast Animation Level 10 - Statue Secret Agent 3 min 15 sec
Invisibility Level 11 - Archives 00 Agent 1 min 20 sec
Enemy Rockets Level 12 - Streets Agent 1 min 45 sec
Slow Animation Level 13 - Depot Secret Agent 1 min 30 sec
Silver PP7 Level 14 - Train 00 Agent 5 min 25 sec
Hunting Knife x2 Level 15 - Jungle Agent 3 min 45 sec
Infinite Ammo Level 16 - Control Secret Agent 10 min
RC-P90 x2 Level 17 - Caverns 00 Agent 9 min 30 sec
Gold PP7 Level 18 - Cradle Agent 2 min 15 sec
Laser x2 Level 19 - Aztec Secret Agent 9 min
All Guns Level 20 - Egyptian 00 Agent 6 min

Cheat Menu Codes

The following codes must be entered on the Cheat Menu and will not work if you enter them anywhere else. You must unlock the cheat menu by first completing one of the objectives listed above. The easiest to obtain is at the Runway level. If you enter any of the following cheat menu codes correctly, you will hear a sound effect play confirming it.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
All Weapons Down, Left, C-Up, Right, L + Down, L + Left, L + Up, C-Left, Left, C-Down
Infinite Ammo L + C-Left, L + R + Right, C-Right, C-Left, R + Left, L + C-Down, L + R + Left, L + R + C-Down, L + Up, C-Right
Invincibility R + Left, L + Down, Left, Up, Down, R + C-Left, L + C-Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Right, L + C-Left
Invisible Bond L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, L + C-Left, R + C-Left, R + Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, Left, L + R + C-Left, L + Down
DK Mode L + R + Up, C-Right, R + Left, R + Up, Up, R + Right, Up, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Down, L + R + C-Left
Enemies Have Rockets L + R + C-Down, C-Left, R + C-Down, C-Down, C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, C-Down, R + Up, L + Up
Golden PP7 L + R + Right, L + R + Down, L + Up, L + R + Down, C-Up, R + Up, L + R + Right, L + Left, Down, L + C-Down
Hunting Knives x2 R + C-Down, L + Right, R + C-Left, R + Right, L + R + Right, L + R + Up, L + Down, R + Left, L + Right, L + C-Left
Lasers x2 L + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Down, R + Left, R + Down, L + Right, C-Up, Right, R + Right, L + R + Up
Paintball Mode L + Up, C-Up, R + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Up, R + C-Down, L + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, L + C-Down
RCP90 x2 Up, Right, L + Left, R + Down, L + Up, L + C-Left, L + Left, C-Right, C-Up, L + R + Down
Silver PP7 L + Left, L + R + Up, L + Right, L + R + Up, L + R + C-Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Down, C-Down, L + R + Right, L + R + Left
Slow Animation Mode L + R + Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Down, L + R + Left, C-Right, L + R + Down, L + R + Down, L + Down , C-Left, C-Up
Throwing Kife x2 R + C-Left, L + Left, Up, L + R + Right, Right, L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Left, R + Down, R + Left, R + C-Left
Tiny Bond L + R + Down, R + Down, L + C-Down, Left, R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, Right, Down, R + C-Down, R + Right
Turbo Mode L + C-Down, L + C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, L + R + Right, C-Right, L + R + Up, R + C-Left, L + Left

Unlock Facility Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + R + C-Up, R + C-Left, L + Left, R + C-Up, L + Left, R + C-Down, L + C-Right, R + Right, L + R + C-Up, L + Right.

Unlock Runway Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + R + Left, R + Left, L + C-Up, L + Left, R + C-Up, R + C-Down, R + C-Right, R + Right, L + Down, R + C-Left.

Unlock Surface 1 Level

While on the mission selection screen, press R + C-Left, L + R + C-Up, L + Left, R + Up, R + Left, L + Up, R + C-Down, L + Right, L + C-Right, L + R + Down.

Unlock Bunker 1 Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + C-Down, R + Right, L + C-Right, R + C-Left, L + C-Down, L + R + Left, L + C-Right, L + R + Up, R + C-Right, L + Up

Unlock Silo Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + Up, R + C-Down, L + Left, R + Down, L + C-Left, L + R + C-Right, L + C-Up, R + Right, R + Right, R + C-Right.

Unlock Frigate Level

While on the mission selection screen, press R + C-Up, L + Down, R + C-Right, L + Left, L + R + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + C-Right, R + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + Up.

Unlock Surface 2 Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + C-Down, L + R + C-Right, R + C-Right, R + C-Up, R + C-Left, L + Right, L + R + C-Up, L + C-Up, L + R + Down, L + C-Right.

Unlock Bunker 2 Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + Down, R + Down, L + R + C-Up, L + Left, L + R + Right, L + C-Left, R + Right, L + C-Up, L + Left, L + C-Down.

Unlock Statue Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + R + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + Right, L + R + Left, R + Left, R + C-Right, L + R + Left, R + C-Up, R + C-Down, R + Right.

Unlock Archives Level

While on the mission selection screen, press R + Left, L + R + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + Left, L + R + C-Right, L + Left, L + R + Right, L + R + C-Down, L + Up, R + C-Down.

Unlock Streets Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + R + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + C-Right, R + C-Down, R + Left, R + C-Down, R + C-Up, L + Down.

Unlock Depot Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + Down, L + Down, R + C-Down, L + C-Right, L + R + Right, R + C-Left, L + Down, L + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + Up.

Unlock Train Level

While on the mission selection screen, press R + Left, R + C-Down, R + C-Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, R + C-Down, L + Left, L + R + C-Left, L + Up, L + C-Up.

Unlock Jungle Level

While on the mission selection screen, press R + C-Down, R + Left, L + R + Up, R + Right, R + Down, R + Down, R + Up, R + C-Left, R + C-Up, L + R + Left.

Unlock Control Center Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + C-Down, R + Down, L + Right, R + C-Right, R + C-Down, R + Left, R + Left, R + C-Up, R + Left, L + R + C-Up.

Unlock Caverns Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + Down, R + C-Down, L + R + Up, L + Right, R + C-Up, R + C-Left, R + Up, L + C-Left, L + Up, R + C-Left.

Unlock Cradle Level

While on the mission selection screen, press L + R + C-Up, L + Left, R + Down, L + Down, L + C-Up, L + Down, R + Right, R + C-Up, L + C-Left, R + Right.

Unlock Baron Samedi Character

To unlock Baron Samedi as a usable character in multiplayer, beat every level on Agent difficulty.

Unlock Jaws Character

To unlock Jaws as a usable character in multiplayer, beat every level on Agent difficulty.

Unlock Mayday Character

To unlock Mayday as a usable character in multiplayer, beat every level on Agent difficulty.

Unlock Oddjob Character

To unlock Oddjob as a usable character in multiplayer, beat every level on Agent difficulty.

GoldenEye 007 Action Replay Codes

The following cheat codes are for Action Replay. These can be used on a Nintendo 64 (N64) with an Action Replay device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Action Replay Codes. If you want an Action Replay device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
All Guns 800696530001
Golden PP7 800696650001
Golden Gun 800696630001
Laser 800696620001
Magnum 800696610001
Silver PP7 800696640001
Grenade Launchers x2 8006966e0001
Laser x2 800696720001
RC-P90 x2 8006966f0001
Rocket Launchers x2 8006966d0001
Throwing Knife x2 800696700001
All objectives complete 80036fd30001
Bond is invisible 8006965a0001
Bond moves faster 80036fcf0001
Bulletproof Bond 8002ce440030 + 80030b200030
DK Mode 8006965c0001
Enable Agent Levels 80036fb30001
Enable All Levels 80036fb70001
Enemies can't aim 8002ce400030 + 80030b1c0030
Enemy Rockets 8006966c0001
Extra Ammo 80030b280048
Extra Characters 8002b1970040
Fast Animation 8006966a0001
Infinite Ammo 8006965b0001
Invincibility 800696520001
Invisibility 800364c70000
Line Mode 800696570001
No Radar 800696670001
Paint Ball Mode 8006965f0001
Play Archives Level 8002b5370009
Play Bunker Level 8002b5370008
Play Caverns Level 8002b537000a
Play Egyptian Level 8002b537000b
Slow Animation 8006966b0001
Tiny Bond 8006965e0001
Turbo Mode 800696680001
Walk Through Doors 800364cb0000
Weaker Enemies 8002ce480048
More Cheats: N64