Released: Sep 18, 2023
- PC
This page contains cheats, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips for HumanitZ. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.
To use Cheats and Console Commands in HumanitZ, you need to play a single-player file, host a multiplayer file, or have the admin password for the server you are on.
If you are playing a single-player file or hosting a multiplayer file, open the chat window by pressing Enter on the keyboard and input one of the console commands below to spawn an item or vehicle.
If you are playing on someone else's severs, you will need to know the admin password and input /adminaccess [password] into the chat window. Replace [password] with the server password. This will give you admin access and allow you to use cheats / console commands in HumanitZ.
The following cheats and console commands are for spawning melee weapons.
Melee Weapon | Console Command |
Axe | /spawn item_axe |
Barbed Bat | /spawn item_barbedbat |
Baseball Bat | /spawn item_baseballbat |
Baton | /spawn item_baton |
Cricket Bat | /spawn item_cricketbat |
Crowbar | /spawn item_crowbar |
Fire Axe | /spawn item_fireaxe |
Golf Club | /spawn item_golfclub |
Hatchet | /spawn item_hatchet |
Improvised Axe | /spawn item_improaxe |
Improvised Bat Cleaver | /spawn item_improbatcleaver |
Improvised Hammer | /spawn item_improhammer |
Improvised Knife Spear | /spawn item_knifespear |
Improvised Torch | /spawn item_improtorch |
Katana | /spawn item_katana |
Kitchen Knife | /spawn item_kitchenknife |
Knife | /spawn item_knife |
Machette | /spawn item_machette |
Meat Cleaver | /spawn item_meatcleaver |
Metal Pipe | /spawn item_metalpipe |
Nail Wood Weapon | /spawn item_nailwoodweapon |
Nailed Bat | /spawn item_nailedbat |
Saw Blade Bat | /spawn item_sawbladebat |
Sledge Hammer | /spawn item_sledgehammer |
Spartan Spear | /spawn item_spartanspear |
Stone Knife | /spawn item_stoneknife |
Stone Knife Spear | /spawn item_stoneknifespear |
Sword | /spawn item_sword |
Wood Weapon | /spawn item_woodweapon |
The following cheats and console commands are for spawning guns and other ranged weapons such as bows.
Gun | Console Command |
1911 | /spawn item_1911 |
AK47 | /spawn item_ak47 |
AR15 | /spawn item_ar15 |
AWM | /spawn item_awm |
Bow | /spawn item_bow |
Compound Bow | /spawn item_comboundbow |
Crossbow | /spawn item_crossbow |
Desert Eagle | /spawn item_deserteagle |
Desert Eagle 50 Cal (gold) | /spawn item_deserteagle50 |
Hunting Rifle | /spawn item_huntingrifle |
L85A2 | /spawn item_l85a2 |
MK18 | /spawn item_mk18 |
Pistol | /spawn item_pistol |
Pump Shotgun | /spawn item_pumpshotgun |
Revolver | /spawn item_revolver |
RPG | /spawn item_rpg |
ScarL | /spawn item_scarl |
Tactical Shotgun | /spawn item_tacticalshotgun |
UMP45 | /spawn item_ump45 |
Uzi | /spawn item_uzi |
Wood Bow | /spawn item_woodbow |
The following cheats and console commands are for spawning ammo for guns and ranged weapons.
Ammo | Console Command |
.308 Win (x100) | /spawn item_308win |
.357 Magnum (x100) | /spawn item_357 |
.45 ACP (x100) | /spawn item_45acp |
12 Guage Shells (x100) | /spawn item_12g |
5.56MM (x100) | /spawn item_556 |
50 CAL (x50) | /spawn item_50cal |
7.62MM (x100) | /spawn item_762 |
9mm (x100) | /spawn item_9mm |
Arrow (x50) | /spawn item_arrow |
Crossbow Bolt (x50) | /spawn item_crossbowbolt |
Fire Arrow (x50) | /spawn item_firearrow |
Rockets (x15) | /spawn item_rpgammo |
The following cheats and console commands will spawn backpacks that you can use to increase your storage capacity. The backpacks are listed by storage size ascending.
Backpack | Console Command |
Improvised Backpack | /spawn backpack_impro |
Green School Bag | /spawn backpack_green |
Grey School Bag | /spawn backpack_school |
MK Backpack | /spawn backpack_mk |
Grey Backpack | /spawn backpack_grey |
Warrior Backpack | /spawn backpack_warrior |
Adventure Backpack | /spawn backpack_adventure |
The following items are medical items used for healing or used to craft healing items.
Medical Item | Console Command |
Rag | /spawn item_bandage |
Painkillers | /spawn item_painkillers |
Antiseptic Bandage | /spawn item_bandageanti |
Medkit | /spawn item_medkit |
Antibiotic Tables | /spawn item_antibiotictablets |
Dex Cough Medicine | /spawn item_dexcough |
Heatpack | /spawn item_heatpack |
Infection Treatment | /spawn item_treatment |
Irradiated Plasma | /spawn item_irrplasma |
Multivitamin Tables | /spawn item_multivittablets |
Syringe | /spawn item_syringe |
The following cheats and console commands will spawn drivable vehicles that can store items and be used for transportation.
Vehicle | Console Command |
APC | /spawn car_gaztiger |
Army Rustler | /spawn car_jeep |
Box Truck | /spawn car_boxvan |
Duby Croquet | /spawn car_hatchback |
Edmond Pact | /spawn car_edmond |
Leap Big Cheif | /spawn car_suv2 |
Levy Amero | /spawn car_amero |
Levy F10 | /spawn car_pickup |
Levy Lazer | /spawn car_lazer |
Levy Swift | /spawn car_van |
Loseabargo | /spawn car_rv |
Milady Bends Augh | /spawn car_augh |
Nord T1000 | /spawn car_truck |
Police SUV | /spawn car_policesuv |
Rally Car | /spawn car_rally |
Yotata Earth Frigate | /spawn car_suv |
Zombiegini (black) | /spawn car_sport2 |
Zombiegini (gold) | /spawn car_sport3 |
Zombiegini (red) | /spawn car_sport |
The following cheats and console commands will spawn vehicle parts that can get your vehicle running or be used to repair it.
Vehicle Part | Console Command |
Fan Belt | /spawn item_fanbelt |
Fuel Pump | /spawn item_fuelpump |
Car Battery | /spawn item_carbattery |
Starter Moter | /spawn item_startermotor |
Empty Fuel Can | /spawn item_emptyfuelcan |
Fuel Can | /spawn item_fuelcan |
Repair Kit | /spawn item_repairkit |