This page contains cheats, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips for Resident Evil 2. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.
Resident Evil 2 Cheats For PC
Hard Difficulty
To unlock hard difficulty or mode, beat the game on any difficulty. Upon completing the game you will have access to the hard difficulty.
Infinite Ammo
To unlock infinite ammo without having to beat the game first, go into your inventory screen and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Aim. This will give you unlimited ammo for all of your weapons.
Unlock HUNK
To unlock Hunk you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode.
Unlock Tofu
To unlock Tofu you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode three times over.
Hidden Rebecca Chambers Picture
To view a secret picture of Rebecca Chambers, head to Wesker's desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Keep checking his desk even for the note saying "It's trashed". Once you get to the 50th time you will get a roll of film that can be developed. Bring the film to the Dark Room under the stairs and develop the film to receive an easter egg picture of Rebecca Chambers.
Gatling Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the Gatling Gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher without saving a single time. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the rocket launcher with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean A game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Sub-Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the sub-machine gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 3 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Resident Evil 2 Cheats For PS1
Hard Difficulty
To unlock hard difficulty or mode, beat the game on any difficulty. Upon completing the game you will have access to the hard difficulty.
Infinite Ammo
To unlock infinite ammo without having to beat the game first, go to the Key Config screen, hold
, and press10x. This will give you unlimited ammo for all of your weapons.
Unlock HUNK
To unlock Hunk you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode.
Unlock Tofu
To unlock Tofu you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode three times over.
Hidden Rebecca Chambers Picture
To view a secret picture of Rebecca Chambers, head to Wesker's desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Keep checking his desk even for the note saying "It's trashed". Once you get to the 50th time you will get a roll of film that can be developed. Bring the film to the Dark Room under the stairs and develop the film to receive an easter egg picture of Rebecca Chambers.
Secret Costumes
To get the secret costumes in the game, start a new game on normal. Make sure not to pick up any ammo on the way to the police station. When you get to the police station there will be a zombie down the stairs in the police station courtyard. Defeat him and pick up the key he drops, you will notice this zombie is Brad Vickers. The key will unlock the cabinet inside the Dark Room under the stairs. Inside this cabinet, you will find alternate costumes for your characters.
Gatling Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the Gatling Gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher without saving a single time. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the rocket launcher with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean A game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Sub-Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the sub-machine gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 3 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Resident Evil 2 GameShark Codes
The following cheat codes are for GameShark. These can be used on a Playstation (PS1) with a GameShark device or you can use these on any emulator that supports GameShark Codes. If you want a GameShark device, you can always check online for one.
GameShark Codes For Leon
The following Resident Evil 2 GameShark codes are for Leon only.
Cheat Effect
Cheat Code
Infinite health
Infinite ammo
Restore health with
d00ce2fc0005 + 800cfd4e00c8
Spawn shotgun with
d00ce2fc0084 + 800d4a3cff07
Spawn C shotgun with
d00ce2fc0011 + 800d4a3cff08
Spawn Colt S.A.A. with
d00ce2fc0041 + 800d4a3cff0d
Spawn magnum with
d00ce2fc0014 + 800d4a3cff05
Spawn C magnum with
d00ce2fc0044 + 800d4a3cff06
Spawn SMG with
d00ce2fc0081 + 800d4a3cff0f
Spawn grenade launcher with
d00ce2b40014 + 800d49f4ff09
Spawn Gatling gun with
d00ce2fc0082 + 800d4a3cff12
Spawn flamethrower with
d00ce2fc0012 + 800d4a3cff10
Spawn rocket launcher with
d00ce2fc0042 + 800d4a3cff11
GameShark Codes For Claire
The following Resident Evil 2 GameShark codes are for Claire only.
Cheat Effect
Cheat Code
Infinite health
Infinite ammo
Restore health with
d00ce2b40005 + 800cfd0600c8
Spawn bow gun with
d00ce2b40011 + 800d49f4ff0c
Spawn spark shot with
d00ce2b40081 + 800d49f4ff0e
Spawn Colt S.A.A. with
d00ce2b40041 + 800d49f4ff0d
Spawn SMG with
d00ce2b40012 + 800d49f4ff0f
Spawn grenade launcher with
d00ce2b40084 + 800d49f4ff0b
Spawn grenade launcher (flame) with
d00ce2b40044 + 800d49f4ff0a
Spawn Gatling gun with
d00ce2b40082 + 800d49f4ff12
Spawn rocket launcher with
d00ce2b40042 + 800d49f4ff11
Resident Evil 2 Cheats For N64
Cheat Codes
The following Resident Evil 2 cheat codes must be entered on the load game screen.
Cheat Effect
Cheat Down
Infinite ammo
Play as HUNK
Play as Tofu
Hard Difficulty
To unlock hard difficulty or mode, beat the game on any difficulty. Upon completing the game you will have access to the hard difficulty.
Unlock HUNK
To unlock Hunk you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode.
Unlock Tofu
To unlock Tofu you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode three times over.
Hidden Rebecca Chambers Picture
To view a secret picture of Rebecca Chambers, head to Wesker's desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Keep checking his desk even for the note saying "It's trashed". Once you get to the 50th time you will get a roll of film that can be developed. Bring the film to the Dark Room under the stairs and develop the film to receive an easter egg picture of Rebecca Chambers.
Secret Costumes
To get the secret costumes in the game, start a new game on normal. Make sure not to pick up any ammo on the way to the police station. When you get to the police station there will be a zombie down the stairs in the police station courtyard. Defeat him and pick up the key he drops, you will notice this zombie is Brad Vickers. The key will unlock the cabinet inside the Dark Room under the stairs. Inside this cabinet, you will find alternate costumes for your characters.
Gatling Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the Gatling Gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher without saving a single time. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the rocket launcher with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean A game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Sub-Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the sub-machine gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 3 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
To unlock the randomizer option, beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode. When you start. Now when you start a new game you will have the option to select Randomizer. This will spawn items at random locations instead of the same locations you are used to.
Resident Evil 2 Cheats For Dreamcast
Cheat Codes
The following Resident Evil 2 cheat codes must be entered on the inventory menu.
Cheat Effect
Cheat Down
Infinite ammo
Hard Difficulty
To unlock hard difficulty or mode, beat the game on any difficulty. Upon completing the game you will have access to the hard difficulty.
Unlock HUNK
To unlock Hunk you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode.
Unlock Tofu
To unlock Tofu you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode three times over.
Hidden Rebecca Chambers Picture
To view a secret picture of Rebecca Chambers, head to Wesker's desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Keep checking his desk even for the note saying "It's trashed". Once you get to the 50th time you will get a roll of film that can be developed. Bring the film to the Dark Room under the stairs and develop the film to receive an easter egg picture of Rebecca Chambers.
Secret Costumes
To get the secret costumes in the game, start a new game on normal. Ensure not to pick up any ammo on the way to the police station. When you get to the police station there will be a zombie down the stairs in the police station courtyard. Defeat him and pick up the key he drops, You will notice this zombie is Brad Vickers. The key will unlock the cabinet inside the Dark Room under the stairs. Inside this cabinet, you will find alternate costumes for your characters.
Gatling Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the Gatling Gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher without saving a single time. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the rocket launcher with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean A game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Sub-Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the sub-machine gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 3 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Resident Evil 2 Cheats For Gamecube
Infinite Ammo
To get infinite ammo, press Start to get to the options screen, now select Button Config. Highlight the Aim option and hold and press x10.
Hard Difficulty
To unlock hard difficulty or mode, beat the game on any difficulty. Upon completing the game you will have access to the hard difficulty.
Unlock HUNK
To unlock Hunk you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode.
Unlock Tofu
To unlock Tofu you must beat Leon A and Claire B on normal mode or beat Claire A and Lean B on normal mode three times over.
Hidden Rebecca Chambers Picture
To view a secret picture of Rebecca Chambers, head to Wesker's desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Keep checking his desk even for the note saying "It's trashed". Once you get to the 50th time you will get a roll of film that can be developed. Bring the film to the Dark Room under the stairs and develop the film to receive an easter egg picture of Rebecca Chambers.
Secret Costumes
To get the secret costumes in the game, start a new game on normal. Ensure not to pick up any ammo on the way to the police station. When you get to the police station there will be a zombie down the stairs in the police station courtyard. Defeat him and pick up the key he drops, You will notice this zombie is Brad Vickers. The key will unlock the cabinet inside the Dark Room under the stairs. Inside this cabinet, you will find alternate costumes for your characters.
Gatling Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the Gatling Gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher without saving a single time. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the rocket launcher with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean A game in under 2 1/2 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Sub-Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo
To unlock the sub-machine gun with infinite ammo, beat either Claire or Lean B game in under 3 hours getting a grade of B or higher. This item will appear in the trunk if you properly unlock it.
Unlock Extreme Battle Mode
To unlock Extreme Battle mode, beat the game with either Lean or Claire, completing scenarios A and B for whichever character you play with. You must also obtain a rank A to unlock the Extreme Battle Mode option on the main menu.
Play as Ada Wong - Extreme Battle Mode
To play as Ada Wong in extreme battle mode, beat level 1 with any character.
Play as Chris Redfield - Extreme Battle Mode
to play as Chris Redfield in extreme battle mode, beat level 2 with any character.